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  • Ревью от Катерина Кенджора


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    "El libro perfecto para el nivel intermedio"

    Me alegré mucho cuando mi hermano me regaló este libro para mi cumpleaños :) Si estás estudiando español, debes saber lo difícil que es encontrar la literatura adecuada para el nivel adecuado. Y este libro es el más correcto para los que siguen aprendiendo español. Si ya has traducido todas tus canciones y poemas favoritos, estás cansado de los cuentos de hadas y quieres algo más difícil, pero te sientes inseguro acerca de comenzar a leer novelas completas, lo más probable es que te encante este libro tanto como a mí ;) El autor ha elegido muy bien las historias. Cada historia tiene su propia trama única con un conjunto de construcciones gramaticales y nuevas palabras. Estoy seguro de que te lo pasarás genial practicando español!
    Пожаловаться 14 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "What a wonderful seasonal reading!"

    It's not a typical romance but it's still about love, friendship and support. Moreover it's about making the difficult choices. How do we know how to make the right one? What is more important - logic or feelings? What will be the best for people we love? Noone knows for sure. But in this book you'll find out how heroes deal with their dilemas, struggles and life circumstancias.
    Пожаловаться 07 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "Un libro de sabores mexicanos"

    Este libro es muy especial para mí. Mi amiga me lo regaló para El Año Nuevo. Después de leer una página, me di cuenta de que podía entenderlo todo. No olvidaré este sentimiento, porque en ese momento solo llevaba un año estudiando español. Para ser honesto, no era exactamente un libro, sino solo copias impresas, así que cuando vi un libro completo, lo compré sin pensarlo dos veces. Yo diría que un romance en la mejor tradición mexicana es una historia de amor, pasión y tragedia. Pero lo más destacado de este libro son las recetas con las que comienza cada capítulo. Al principio quería cocinar, pero pronto descubrí que la mayoría de los productos eran imposibles de encontrar. Por lo tanto, no tuve más remedio que imaginar el sabor y el olor de estos platos, que encajan perfectamente en la atmósfera del libro.
    Пожаловаться 12 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "What life would you choose if you had a chance to do so?"

    Well, my first thought when I got this book delivered was it's so small. But after reading it I saw that the idea has been fully revealed. More over I even skipped few pages which seemed redundant to me. It's a quick read, for sure, but stayed with me for quite a while. There are so many people that regret about the choices they've made or haven't, things they've done or haven't, words they've said or haven't. And they wish for a chance to change it all, relive their lives another way. But the truth is that you can't change just one thing. Even a tiny change leads to bigger other changes that we can't foresee. And what if these bigger changes are not that pleasant and lead to bigger regrets? Nora was given the opportunity to try different lives of her own and choose the most suatuble one.
    Пожаловаться 08 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "Libro perfecto para las vacaciones de verano"

    No podía creer mis ojos cuando vi novelas en español disponible en Ucrania. Quise comprarlos todos aunque no los conocia a los autores :) Maria Martinez es una nueva autora para mi. Empecé a conocerla con su libro Tú y otros desastres naturales. Es sobre amor, claro. Pero tambien es sobre autodescubrimiento, diferentes intentos de encontrar la opción más adecuada. ¿Qué es más importante hacer lo que amas o lo que quieren las personas a las que amas? También vale la pena señalar que la autora eligió un lugar de acción inusual y también un origen peculiar de los personajes. Los estudiantes de español también podrán prestar atención a cómo se usan en la práctica las expresiones establecidas, sobre lo cual hubo una publicación reciente. Considerándolo todo este es el libro más impresionante para mí este año.
    Пожаловаться 09 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "A gem!"

    It's great! This is amazing! This is brilliant! I love every part of this book! First of all, the cover. It's fabric. So it's hard to open a book without stroking it. It is so soft and pleasant to the touch. The tactile sensations are at the highest level. Then the pictures. There are not so many illustrated books for adults. The pictures in this book are well chosen and fit perfectly with the style of the book and complement the verses. The visual experience is also top notch. And finally, the verses themselves. I fell in love with Emily Dickinson many years ago. Her poems are so vital, alive, real. If once they touch the soul, they will not let go. To be honest, at that time I was reading translations. And of course, I had a burning desire to read them in the original. And here they are. In this very book. The collection is compiled carefully, although without my favorite poems. So emotional sensations are at the top of all the above. It took me a year to finish the book. And as soon as I read the last poem, I realized that I had already begun to miss him. The totality of all sensations set the mood for the whole day, feeling that it was already impossible to refuse them. This is the best gift I have ever received <3
    Пожаловаться 15 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "A warm love story for cold winter evenings"

    Tom Ellen is not as famous as, for example, Nicholas Sparks or Jojo Moyes, so I bought this book without any expectations. And it surprised me in a good way :) On the one hand, the plot is simple (the main character is faced with a dilemma whether to renew his relationship with his first love or to save his marriage with the love of his life), but on the other hand, the magic involved completely captivated me. It was really hard to put it down. After reading, there was a warm feeling of hope for a happy ending to the book and at the same time the beginning of a new stage in life.
    Пожаловаться 10 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "An excellent representation of the famous Arthurian legend"

    Being a lover of stories about knights and the Middle Ages, one day I wanted to replenish my home library with a copy of the famous legend of King Arthur. So I decided to indulge in a special representation of it, and this graphic novel worked just perfect for me. No surprises or unexpected twists. And the book itself is small, there is not much text and a lot of pictures, so you can read it in one sitting. Maybe an hour or so, depending on how much time you spend looking at the illustrations. I really enjoyed it and will definitely re-read it from time to time :)
    Пожаловаться 13 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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    "The best gift ever!!!"

    What a great book! I would say it's unisex, unisex, uni everything. Usborne has published several collections of fairy tales, but this one is by far my favorite :) The stories are not classic, the pages are in full color. So even a teenager or an adult who is taking the first steps in learning English may be interested. Colored pictures will help you remember new words and phrases like a technique of pneumatic memory. But the book is really heavy, so make sure you have it conveniently located to fully immerse yourself in a fairy-tale world ;)
    Пожаловаться 11 декабря 2022 0 Комментариев
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